Value of Log 0


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Value of Log 0

The value of log 0 with base 10 is not defined. In this article, the concepts of how to find the value of log 0, using a common logarithmic function and natural logarithmic functions are explained.

What is the Value of Log 0?

Log10 0 = Not Defined

To recall, in Mathematics, the logarithmic function defines an inverse function of exponentiation. The logarithmic function is defined by:

  • if logab = x, then ax = b


  • x is the log of a number ‘b.’
  • ‘a’ is the base of a logarithmic function.

Note: The variable “a” should be any positive integer, and a ≠1.

The logarithmic function is classified into two types. They are:

  • Common Logarithmic Function – Logarithmic function with base 10
  • Natural Logarithmic Function – Logarithmic function with base e

If the logarithmic function uses the base other than 10 or e, change it into either base 10 or base e by applying the change of base rule.

To eliminate the exponential functions, and to find the value of a variable, the log functions are functions.

How to Derive Log100 Value?

The log function of 0 to the base 10 is denoted by “log10 0”.

According to the definition of the logarithmic function,

Base, a = 10 and 10x = b

We know that the real logarithmic function logab is only defined for b>0.

It is impossible to find the value of x, if ax = 0,

i.e., 10x = 0, where x does not exist.

So, the base 10 of logarithm of zero is not defined.


Log10 0 = Not Defined

Value of ln (0) or loge 0

The natural log function of 0 is denoted by “loge 0”. It is also known as the log function of 0 to the base e. The representation of the natural log of 0 is ln (0).

If, ex =0, there is no number to satisfy the equation when x equals to any value.

Therefore, the value of loge 0 is undefined

loge 0 = ln (0) = Not defined

Log Values from 1 to 10

The logarithmic values from 1 to 10 to the base 10 are:

Log 1 0
Log 2 0.3010
Log 3 0.4771
Log 4 0.6020
Log 5 0.6989
Log 6 0.7781
Log 7 0.8450
Log 8 0.9030
Log 9 0.9542
Log 10 1

Ln Values from 1 to 10

The logarithmic values from 1 to 10 to the base e are:

ln (1) 0
ln (2) 0.693147
ln (3) 1.098612
ln (4) 1.386294
ln (5) 1.609438
ln (6) 1.791759
ln (7) 1.94591
ln (8) 2.079442
ln (9) 2.197225
ln (10) 2.302585

Example Question from Log Values

Question: Find the value of y such that logy 64 = 2


Given that, logy 64 = 2

According to the definition of the logarithm function,

if logab = x, then

ax = b ….(1)

a = y, b= 64, x = 2

Substitute the values in (1), we get

y2 = 64

Take square roots on both sides,

y = √82

Therefore, the value of y is 8.

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