Binomial Theorem Worksheet


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Binomial Theorem Worksheet

Binomial Theorem Worksheet contains a variety of questions that help students to practice for their exams. These binomial theorem worksheets help improve problem-solving skills, and applying different techniques must be done to solve the problems. Let’s recall what binomial theorem is and its formula now.

What is the Binomial theorem?

The Binomial theorem being a part of the elementary algebra explains the powers of a binomial as algebraic expressions. As we know that a binomial is a type of polynomial with two terms. What happens if the binomial is multiplied by itself many times. As the power of the binomial term is increased, the process becomes tedious and more lengthy. When we multiply the binomial, some patterns will be developed. The pattern obtained can be summed using the binomial theorem. The binomial theorem formula is given as follows:

\((a+b)^{n} =\sum_{k=0}^{n}\begin{pmatrix} n\\ k \end{pmatrix}a^{n-k}b^{k}\)

Also, learn: Binomial theorem

In other words, the binomial theorem expands the given binomial expression, which is raised to any finite power. The theorem states that, for any positive integer, say “n,” the nth power of the sum of the terms “a” and “b”, can be expressed as the sum of “n+1” terms of the form. The binomial theorem is applicable if the binomial expression has two different terms. For example, (a+b)4, (x+y)5, and so on. In the binomial expansion, we can frequently expect questions like finding the middle term, general term, or particular term.

The binomial theorem has huge applications in the various concepts of mathematics, such as finding the particular digit of a number, finding remainder and so on. The generalization of this theorem is used to solve and prove many calculi, combinatorics, algebra, etc., problems. 

Benefits of Binomial Theorem Worksheets

Worksheets based on the binomial theorem are helpful for students who wish to know more about different aspects of this theorem. Solving more problems on binomial theorem helps evaluate various algebraic expressions, which may be numerical or non-numerical.

Binomial Theorem Worksheet PDFs

Below are the downloadable PDFs of Binomial theorem worksheets.


Binomial Theorem Worksheet 1:-Download PDF



Binomial Theorem Worksheet 2:-Download PDF



Binomial Theorem Worksheet 3:-Download PDF

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