Value of Log 1 to 10


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Value of Log 1 to 10

In Mathematics, the inverse function of exponentiation is known as logarithmic functions or log functions. In this article, the value of log from 1 to 10 in terms of both common and natural logarithmic functions is explained in detail.

Also, read:

Logarithmic Function and its Types

The logarithm is defined as a quantity that represents the power in which the base (fixed number) is raised to produce a given number. The general representation of the logarithmic function is

f(x) = loga x

In general, the two different types of logarithmic functions are

  • Common Logarithmic Function
  • Natural Logarithmic Function

In common logarithmic function, the base of the logarithmic function is 10. Log10 or log represents this function.

In natural logarithmic function, the base of the logarithmic function is e. Loge or ln represents this function.

Value of Log 1 to 10 for Log Base 10

The value of log 1 to 10 ( common logarithm- log10 x) is listed here

Common Logarithm to a Number (log10 x) Log Value
Log 1 0
Log 2 0.3010
Log 3 0.4771
Log 4 0.6020
Log 5 0.6989
Log 6 0.7781
Log 7 0.8450
Log 8 0.9030
Log 9 0.9542
Log 10 1

Value of Log 1 to 10 for Log Base e

The value of log 1 to 10 in terms of the natural logarithm (loge x) is listed here.

Natural Logarithm to a Number (loge x) Ln Value
ln (1) 0
ln (2) 0.693147
ln (3) 1.098612
ln (4) 1.386294
ln (5) 1.609438
ln (6) 1.791759
ln (7) 1.94591
ln (8) 2.079442
ln (9) 2.197225
ln (10) 2.302585

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