Probability Density Function


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Probability Density Function

Definition of Probability Density Function

We call \(X\) a continuous random variable if \(X\) can take any value on an interval, which is often the entire set of real numbers \(\mathbb{R}.\)

Every continuous random variable \(X\) has a probability density function \(\left( {PDF} \right),\) written \(f\left( x \right),\) that satisfies the following conditions:

  1. \(f\left( x \right) \ge 0\) for all \(x,\) and
  2. \(\int\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {f\left( x \right)dx} = 1.\)

The probability that a random variable \(X\) takes on values in the interval \(a \le X \le b\) is defined as

\[P\left( {a \le X \le b} \right) = \int\limits_a^b {f\left( x \right)dx} ,\]

which is the area under the curve \(f\left( x \right)\) from \(x = a\) to \(x = b.\)

Figure 1.

Mean and Median

If a random variable \(X\) has a density function \({f\left( x \right)},\) then we define the mean value (also known as the average value or the expectation) of \(X\) as

\[\mu = \int\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {xf\left( x \right)dx}. \]

The median of a continuous probability distribution \(f\left( x \right)\) is the value of \(x = m\) that splits the probability distribution into two portions whose areas are identical and equal to \(\frac{1}{2}:\)

\[\int\limits_{ - \infty }^m {f\left( x \right)dx} = \int\limits_m^\infty {f\left( x \right)dx} = \frac{1}{2}.\]
Figure 2.

Note that not all \(PDFs\) have mean values. For example, the Cauchy distribution is an example of a probability distribution which has no mean.


The variance of a continuous random variable is defined by the integral

\[{\sigma ^2} = \int\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {{{\left( {x - \mu } \right)}^2}f\left( x \right)dx} ,\]

where \(\mu\) is the mean of the random variable \(X.\)

Uniform Distribution

The simplest \(PDF\) is the uniform distribution. The density of the uniform distribution is defined by

\[f\left( x \right) = \frac{1}{{b - a}}\;\;\text{for}\;\;a \le x \le b.\]
Figure 3.

The mean value of the uniform distribution across the interval \(\left[ {a,b} \right]\) is

\[\mu = \int\limits_a^b {xf\left( x \right)dx} = \frac{{a + b}}{2}.\]

If a random variable \(X\) is distributed uniformly in the interval \(\left[ {a,b} \right],\) the probability to fall within a range \(\left[ {c,d} \right] \in \left[ {a,b} \right]\) is expressed by the formula

\[P\left( {c \le X \le d} \right) = \int\limits_c^d {f\left( x \right)dx} = \int\limits_c^d {\frac{{dx}}{{b - a}}} = \frac{{d - c}}{{b - a}}.\]

The variance of the distribution is

\[{\sigma ^2} = \int\limits_a^b {{{\left( {x - \mu } \right)}^2}f\left( x \right)dx} = \frac{{{{\left( {b - a} \right)}^2}}}{{12}}.\]

Exponential Distribution

The exponential distribution is a continuous distribution that is commonly used to describe the waiting time until some specific event occurs. For example, the amount of time until a hurricane or other dangerous weather event occurs obeys an exponential distribution law.

The one-parameter exponential distribution of the probability density function \(PDF\) is described as follows:

\[f\left( x \right) = \lambda {e^{ - \lambda x}},\;\;x \ge 0,\]

where the rate \(\lambda\) represents the average amount of events per unit of time.

Figure 4.

The mean value (or the average waiting for the next event) is \(\mu = \frac{1}{\lambda }.\) The median of the exponential distribution is \(m = \frac{{\ln 2}}{\lambda }, \) and the variance is given by \({\sigma ^2} = \frac{1}{{{\lambda ^2}}}.\)

Normal Distribution

The normal distribution is the most widely known probability distribution since it describes many natural phenomena.

The \(PDF\) of the normal distribution is given by the formula

\[f\left( x \right) = \frac{1}{{\sqrt {2\pi {\sigma ^2}} }}{e^{ - \frac{{{{\left( {x - \mu } \right)}^2}}}{{2{\sigma ^2}}}}},\]

where \(\mu\) is the mean of the distribution, and \({\sigma^2}\) is the variance.

The two parameters \(\mu\) and \({\sigma}\) entirely define the shape and all other properties of the normal distribution function.

Figure 5.

If a random variable \(X\) follows the normal distribution with the parameters \(\mu\) and \(\sigma,\) we write \(X \sim N\left( {\mu ,\sigma } \right).\)

The normal distribution is said to be standard when \(\mu = 0\) and \(\sigma = 1.\) In this special case, the normal random variable \(X\) is called a standard score or a \(Z-\)score. Thus, by definition, \(Z \sim N\left( {0 ,1} \right).\)

Every normal random variable \(X\) can be transformed into a \(Z-\)score by using the substitution

\[z = \frac{{x - \mu }}{\sigma }.\]

Pay attention to the notations: \(X, Z\) denote the random variables, and \(x,z\) denote the possible values of the variables.

To compute probabilities for \(Z,\) we use a standard normal table (\(Z-\)table) or a software tool.

To find the probability that a normally distributed random variable \(X\) falls within a range \(\left[ {a,b } \right],\) we rely on the \(Z-\)score and use the formula

\[P\left( {a \le X \le b} \right) = P\left( {\frac{{a - \mu }}{\sigma } \le Z \le \frac{{b - \mu }}{\sigma }} \right).\]

Solved Problems

Click or tap a problem to see the solution.

Example 1

Calculate the mean value \(\mu\) and the variance \({\sigma^2}\) of the uniform distribution \[f\left( x \right) = \frac{1}{{b - a}}\] for \(a \le x \le b.\)

Example 2

Let \(X\) be a random variable distributed uniformly in the interval \(\left[ {{x_0} - L,{x_0} + L} \right].\) Find the mean \(\mu\) and variance \({\sigma^2}\) of the random variable \(X.\)

Example 3

Find the mean value \(\mu\) and the median \(m\) of the exponential distribution \[f\left( x \right) = \lambda {e^{ - \lambda x}}.\]

Example 4

Assume that the waiting time for your next email is described by the exponential density function with rate \(\lambda = 3\) (emails per hour). Determine the probability that you receive no email during the next hour.

Example 1.

Calculate the mean value \(\mu\) and the variance \({\sigma^2}\) of the uniform distribution \[f\left( x \right) = \frac{1}{{b - a}}\] for \(a \le x \le b.\)


First we find the mean \(\mu:\)

\[\mu = \int\limits_a^b {xf\left( x \right)dx} = \int\limits_a^b {\frac{{xdx}}{{b - a}}} = \frac{1}{{b - a}}\int\limits_a^b {xdx} = \frac{1}{{b - a}}\left. {\left( {\frac{{{x^2}}}{2}} \right)} \right|_a^b = \frac{1}{{b - a}} \cdot \frac{{{b^2} - {a^2}}}{2} = \frac{{\cancel{\left( {b - a} \right)}\left( {b + a} \right)}}{{2\cancel{\left( {b - a} \right)}}} = \frac{{a +b}}{2}.\]

Now let's derive the expression for the variance \({\sigma ^2}.\) By definition,

\[{\sigma ^2} = \int\limits_a^b {{{\left( {x - \mu } \right)}^2}f\left( x \right)dx} .\]

Expanding the square in the integrand, we can write:

\[{\sigma ^2} = \int\limits_a^b {\left( {{x^2} - 2\mu x + {\mu ^2}} \right)f\left( x \right)dx} = \int\limits_a^b {{x^2}f\left( x \right)dx} - 2\mu \int\limits_a^b {xf\left( x \right)dx} + {\mu ^2}\int\limits_a^b {f\left( x \right)dx} .\]

Recall that

\[\int\limits_a^b {xf\left( x \right)dx} = \mu ,\;\;\; \int\limits_a^b {f\left( x \right)dx} = 1.\]


\[{\sigma ^2} = \int\limits_a^b {{x^2}f\left( x \right)dx} - 2{\mu ^2} + {\mu ^2} = \int\limits_a^b {{x^2}f\left( x \right)dx} - {\mu ^2} = \frac{1}{{b - a}}\int\limits_a^b {{x^2}dx} - {\left( {\frac{{a + b}}{2}} \right)^2} = \frac{1}{{b - a}}\left. {\frac{{{x^3}}}{3}} \right|_a^b - {\left( {\frac{{a + b}}{2}} \right)^2} = \frac{{{b^3} - {a^3}}}{{3\left( {b - a} \right)}} - {\left( {\frac{{a + b}}{2}} \right)^2} = \frac{{{b^2} + ab + {a^2}}}{3} - \frac{{{a^2} + 2ab + {b^2}}}{4} = \frac{{{b^2} - 2ab + {a^2}}}{{12}} = \frac{{{{\left( {b - a} \right)}^2}}}{{12}}.\]

Example 2.

Let \(X\) be a random variable distributed uniformly in the interval \(\left[ {{x_0} - L,{x_0} + L} \right].\) Find the mean \(\mu\) and variance \({\sigma^2}\) of the random variable \(X.\)


Make sure that the mean value coincides with the middle of the interval:

\[\mu = \int\limits_{{x_0} - L}^{{x_0} + L} {xf\left( x \right)dx} = \frac{1}{{2L}}\int\limits_{{x_0} - L}^{{x_0} + L} {xdx} = \frac{1}{{2L}}\left. {\frac{{{x^2}}}{2}} \right|_{{x_0} - L}^{{x_0} + L} = \left. {\frac{{{x^2}}}{{4L}}} \right|_{{x_0} - L}^{{x_0} + L} = \frac{1}{{4L}}\left[ {{{\left( {{x_0} + L} \right)}^2} - {{\left( {{x_0} - L} \right)}^2}} \right] = \frac{1}{{4L}}\left[ {\cancel{x_0^2} + 2{x_0}L + \cancel{L^2} - \cancel{x_0^2} + 2{x_0}L - \cancel{L^2}} \right] = \frac{{\cancel{4}{x_0}\cancel{L}}}{{\cancel{4L}}} = {x_0}.\]

Compute the variance:

\[{\sigma ^2} = \int\limits_{{x_0} - L}^{{x_0} + L} {{{\left( {x - \mu } \right)}^2}f\left( x \right)dx} = \frac{1}{{2L}}\int\limits_{{x_0} - L}^{{x_0} + L} {{{\left( {x - {x_0}} \right)}^2}dx} = \frac{1}{{2L}}\left. {\frac{{{{\left( {x - {x_0}} \right)}^3}}}{3}} \right|_{{x_0} - L}^{{x_0} + L} = \frac{1}{{6L}}\left[ {{L^3} - {{\left( { - L} \right)}^3}} \right] = \frac{{2{L^3}}}{{6L}} = \frac{{{L^2}}}{3}.\]

Example 3.

Find the mean value \(\mu\) and the median \(m\) of the exponential distribution \[f\left( x \right) = \lambda {e^{ - \lambda x}}.\]


The mean value \(\mu\) is determined by the integral

\[\mu = \int\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {xf\left( x \right)dx} = \lambda \int\limits_0^\infty {x{e^{ - \lambda x}}dx} .\]

Integrating by parts, we have

\[\mu = \lambda \int\limits_0^\infty {x{e^{ - \lambda x}}dx} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {u = x}\\ {dv = {e^{ - \lambda x}}dx}\\ {du = dx}\\ {v = - \frac{1}{\lambda }{e^{ - \lambda x}}} \end{array}} \right] = \lambda \left[ { - \left. {\frac{x}{\lambda }{e^{ - \lambda x}}} \right|_0^\infty - \int\limits_0^\infty {\left( { - \frac{1}{\lambda }{e^{ - \lambda x}}} \right)dx} } \right] = \int\limits_0^\infty {{e^{ - \lambda x}}dx} - \left. {x{e^{ - \lambda x}}} \right|_0^\infty = - \frac{1}{\lambda }\left. {{e^{ - \lambda x}}} \right|_0^\infty - \left. {x{e^{ - \lambda x}}} \right|_0^\infty .\]

We evaluate the second term with the help of l'Hopital's Rule:

\[\left. {x{e^{ - \lambda x}}} \right|_0^\infty = \lim \limits_{b \to \infty } \left[ {\left. {b{e^{ - \lambda b}}} \right|_0^b} \right] = \lim \limits_{b \to \infty } \frac{b}{{{e^{\lambda b}}}} = \left[ {\frac{\infty }{\infty }} \right] = \lim \limits_{b \to \infty } \frac{{b^\prime}}{{\left( {{e^{\lambda b}}} \right)^\prime}} = \lim \limits_{b \to \infty } \frac{1}{{\lambda {e^{\lambda b}}}} = 0.\]

Hence, the mean (average) value of the exponential distribution is

\[\mu = - \frac{1}{\lambda }\left. {{e^{ - \lambda x}}} \right|_0^\infty = - \frac{1}{\lambda }\left( {0 - 1} \right) = \frac{1}{\lambda }.\]

Determine the median \(m:\)

\[\int\limits_{ - \infty }^m {f\left( x \right)dx} = \frac{1}{2},\;\; \Rightarrow \lambda \int\limits_0^m {{e^{ - \lambda x}}dx} = \frac{1}{2},\;\; \Rightarrow \lambda \left. {\left( { - \frac{1}{\lambda }{e^{ - \lambda x}}} \right)} \right|_0^m = \frac{1}{2},\;\; \Rightarrow - {e^{ - \lambda m}} + {e^0} = \frac{1}{2},\;\; \Rightarrow {e^{ - \lambda m}} = \frac{1}{2},\;\; \Rightarrow {e^{\lambda m}} = 2,\;\; \Rightarrow \lambda m = \ln 2,\;\; \Rightarrow m = \frac{{\ln 2}}{\lambda }.\]

Example 4.

Assume that the waiting time for your next email is described by the exponential density function with rate \(\lambda = 3\) (emails per hour). Determine the probability that you receive no email during the next hour.


The probability density function has the form

\[f\left( t \right) = \lambda {e^{ - \lambda t}} = 3{e^{ - 3t}},\]

where the time \(t\) is measured in hours.

Let's calculate the probability that you receive an email during the hour. Integrating the exponential density function from \(t = 0\) to \(t = 1,\) we have

\[P\left( {0 \le t \le 1} \right) = \int\limits_0^1 {f\left( t \right)dt} = \int\limits_0^1 {3{e^{ - 3t}}dt} = 3\int\limits_0^1 {{e^{ - 3t}}dt} = 3 \cdot \left. {\left( { - \frac{1}{3}{e^{ - 3t}}} \right)} \right|_0^1 = 1 - {e^{ - 3}}.\]

So, the probability \({P^C}\) of the opposite (complementary) event (that is, that you will not receive any email within an hour) is equal to

\[{P^C} = 1 - P\left( {0 \le t \le 1} \right) = 1 - \left( {1 - {e^{ - 3}}} \right) = {e^{ - 3}} \approx 0.05 = 5\% \]